Posted on 2/9/2017

You never know what can happen in the snow and that’s why it’s important to stay prepared! We always advise you to keep an emergency kit in your car, no matter the day or the season, but it’s especially important during winter. In fact, an emergency kit prepared for winter weather can mean the difference between life or death. We know that there has already been some snow but it’s better late than never to make sure you’re ready for the worst case scenario. These are just some of the items you need for to keep your Emergency Kit ready to combat winter: A Bag of Sand Or Kitty Litter Kitty Litter and sand have multiple uses. The most common is that they provide friction for your tires when you’re stuck on a particularly icy road, driveway, or parking spot. But they can also help during wet, rainy seasons as well. Just as Kitty Litter works to melt ice and create friction for your tires so ... read more